Joyful Diners

The Joyful Diners are a group of members who enjoy eating out once a month together to fellowship. They choose a different restaurant in the area each month. The meal is always dutch treat. Members of the group have the option of meeting at the restaurant or riding in the church van to the venue.

The Joyful Diners meet on the last Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m.


The Leisuretimers is a spirited group of mostly retired members who meet monthly for a program followed by a covered-dish meal. Some of the programs have featured musical performances, guest speakers, BINGO, among other activities. The group also has an annual cookout. The Leisuretimers always have a good time enjoying food and fellowship together.

The Leisuretimers meet on the second Monday of each month at 11 a.m. beginning with the program. The meal usually begins about noon.